On July 11, CATABB received a visit from the BRTA (Basque Research and Technology Alliance), with representatives from the technology centers CEIT, TEKNIKER, VICOMTECH, GAIKER, IKERLAN, TECNALIA and AZTI.

BRTA is an innovation alliance that brings together 17 R&D centers in the Basque Country, promoting cooperation and scientific excellence to boost the competitiveness of companies and develop a sustainable future. They have specialized researchers for companies to improve their international competitive advantage. Their services are specialized in fields such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, energy, transport, robotics, health, environment, design and precision engineering, industry 4.0 among others.

The attendees were explained the origin of the Etxebarri Pilot Plant and its development over time up to the current CATABB and the research projects carried out. In addition to a guided tour throughout the plant, the storm tank and the Nervión-Ibaizabal pumping building, located in the same location as CATABB itself, were also visited.

Experiences and knowledge of the sectors dominated by all participants were shared with very interesting proposals for possible collaborations in the field of integrated water management. We hope that this visit will be the first step for future alliances.