On 8 March we presented the emerGEN project on the detection and treatment of emerging pollutants, bacteria and genes resistant to antibiotics and environmental and human toxicity in the waters of Bizkaia at the Smagua Forum, the International Water and Environment Exhibition held in Zaragoza.

This project is a research project promoted by the Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia (CABB), in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country, the Gaiker Technology Centre and Cadagua. It has analysed the presence and treatment of contaminants of emerging concern and their associated toxicity risks, both for the environment and for human health, as well as the presence of antibiotic-resistant genes and bacteria. In addition, different treatments for the elimination of these contaminants have been evaluated and optimised. In this way, CABB was ahead of the Directives and regulations that are now beginning to include emerging contaminants in their monitoring requirements, aware of the existing concern about these substances and in response to future treatment needs in their plants.

In the two-year project, five drinking water treatment plants have been studied, covering the main supply points of Bizkaia, as well as a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). CATABB has participated in this project, as its drinking water treatment plant, located in Etxebarri, on the banks of the river Nervión, was one of those selected for the study.

At this conference at Smagua we presented the main results of the project, which have shown the good quality of the Biscayan waters studied.