On December 15, 2022 the CETHAP project has been completed, which during the last nine months has been developed at a practical level in the CATABB pilot plant.

This project, led by the UPV and CEIT-I4K with the collaboration of AQUAMBIENTE, has carried out an exhaustive study of the Control of the Evolution of the formation of TRIHalomethanes in drinking water, using different configurations and treatments in the CATABB pilot plant with the aim of obtaining a physicochemical characterization of the organic matter (grouped in a vector of components) and the analysis of its evolution along the treatment phases installed in the Venta Alta DWTP (Phase 1 and Phase 2).

We would like to thank Jon Ander Maña (Researcher of the Chemical Engineering Department of the UPV) for his involvement in the project and in the day-to-day research at the CATABB facilities.