PROJECT TYPE: Main Research Project

DURATION: 03/01/2023 – 30/05/2023

While in the case of aluminum sulfate the performance of the product supplied by different manufacturers is similar, in the case of polychlorides there are significant variations. Polychlorides work better than aluminum sulfate for low temperatures and also in the case of high turbidity values of the influent water, lower doses of reagent are required compared to aluminum sulfate and the pH of the water is not significantly modified. 

CABB is interested in knowing the behavior of PCAs from different manufacturers with its waters, as well as to collaborate in the improvement of these products. In this way, it will improve and/or expand the range of possible products to be used in its DWTPs. 

Therefore, a study is proposed to evaluate the performance of commercial products from different manufacturers for the same type of water, analyzing their performance depending on the percentage of aluminum and basicity of each one.

The aim of this project is to: 

  • Evaluate the performance of different commercial products (polychlorides) from different manufacturers for waters that can be treated at CATABB. 
  • Test and validate the new products developed by the manufacturing companies to improve the results offered with their current products. 
  • Collaborate with different companies and promote innovation within the water sector.