PROJECT TITLE: CETHAP: Control and Elimination of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water Treatment Plants and Distribution Networks
PROJECT TYPE: Major Research Project
DURATION: 01/03/2022 – 31/12/2022


The main objective of the CETHAP is the adaptation and optimisation of advanced processes, integrated or to be integrated in the future in the CABB facilities, which allow the optimisation of drinking water treatment regardless of the influent treated in the Venta Alta DWTP (Zadorra and/or Nervión), as well as at points in the supply network.

The specific tasks carried out together with the Ceit-IK4 technology centre are aimed at developing and validating the methodologies and tools necessary to simulate and control the presence of THMs along the treatment lines of the Venta Alta DWTP and its distribution networks.

The main objective of this project is twofold:

  • Evaluation of the dosage of different oxidising agents (Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine) as a function of the pollutant load of the influent. The objective is to evaluate the overall removal performance of: the dissolved organic matter precursors in each block and the formation potential of THMs.
  • Calibration and validation of the descriptive models of the unitary processes that make up the different treatment lines installed in Phase 2 of the Venta Alta DWTP, or to be installed in the future (ozonisation processes). With the aim of evaluating the predictive capacity of the models in the face of variations or disturbances in the pollutant load (concentration of precursors in the DOM) and operational variables (doses of reagents).