On Monday 8th May we received at CATABB the visit of the students of the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering of the UPV together with Professor Jose Ignacio Lombraña. 

In the master’s degree a subject on water treatment is implemented, so the visit served to consolidate the concepts through the experience of visualizing the day-to-day control and operation of a DWTP. The CATABB is an ideal platform for this type of activity due to its location, size and available technologies.

The relationship between CATABB and the Chemical Engineering Department of the UPV has been very fluid, with collaborations in various projects such as the CETHAP project “Control and Elimination of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water Treatment Plants” and in distribution networks or the testing project of activated carbon filters installed in the Venta Alta DWTP, as well as company internships or TFG of students. We hope that this fruitful relationship between both parties will continue in the future.