The MAFICA II project seeks to optimize the maintenance and regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) used in drinking water filtration during periods when the filters are inactive. Three methods of GAC maintenance have been evaluated: wet state, submerged, and submerged with periodic backwashing. MAFICA II extends this research with an experimental approach with simulations of filter backwashing and storage to define the best maintenance strategies. The objective is to prolong the life of the GAC and improve its efficiency in future operating cycles, ensuring a more sustainable and efficient use in drinking water treatment.

As a complement to the research work carried out at CATABB’s own facilities, a survey has been prepared to find out the status of the active carbon filters in disuse in other DWTPs. The survey seeks to collect information on current practices to contribute to the improvement of the project results.

When all responses have been received, the results will be published for the knowledge of all those involved in the maintenance of activated carbon filters.

Access the survey here.