In May, EMPRESA XXI magazine published an interview with Santos Paunero, head of the Innovation Unit of the Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia about CATABB.

In the article, the CATABB itself is presented and the guidelines that guide the lines of research carried out at the facility are set out. The first projects developed at the facility after the creation of CATABB are detailed, highlighting the main project CETHAP (Control and Elimination of Trihalomethanes in drinking water treatment facilities and distribution networks).

Another aspect discussed was the importance of attracting R&D&I projects to CATABB in collaboration with entities that favour projects aligned with the CABB’s strategy and innovation plan.

Looking to the future, there are also plans to provide CATABB with greater capacity and possibilities, with the aim of becoming a renowned open innovation platform that brings together all the agents involved in innovation in the water treatment sector, from suppliers to operators, including technology centres and universities.

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