PROJECT TITLE: Effect of water composition on the optimisation of pre-oxidation and decantation processes in drinking water purification
PROJECT TYPE: Secondary Research Project
COLLABORATING ENTITY: TFG Claudia Saez (Degree in Chemical Engineering, UPV)
DURATION: 07/02/2022 – 29/04/2022


  • The aim of the project is to find correlations that adjust the doses of coagulant and flocculant for variations in different parameters of the raw water, as well as its characterisation, seeking the minimum generation of by-products after the potabilisation treatment.
  • The main objective of this project is to optimise the drinking water treatment process, mainly by studying the effect of water composition on initial disinfection (pre-oxidation) and coagulation-flocculation when using different reagents at these treatment points. The different raw water conditions were simulated by reacting acidic and basic products to obtain different coagulation pHs and analysing their effect on the performance of the process.