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CATABB has started its activity in December 2021, after 3 years of collaboration and previous experience in the Etxebarri pilot plant.

CATABB aims to promote external collaboration to carry out projects aligned with its strategy and innovation plan, in order to increase joint knowledge. This collaboration is open to both public and private entities, technology centres and universities. The proposals submitted will be evaluated by the CATABB advisory committee, which will determine the feasibility and coherence with the lines defined by the Consortium as priorities.

The CABB, as a public entity, is committed to society and its environment, and thanks to the projects carried out at the CATABB it aims to have a tractor effect on its environment of SMEs, entrepreneurs, start-ups, etc. CATABB aspires to become a benchmark in water treatment research and innovation

The CATABB and the CABB pilot plant in Etxebarri are being managed and operated, at least until 2025, by the joint venture formed by the engineering company STS (formerly Degrémont) and the GAIKER Technology Centre, which is part of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA).